
We’re Just Here For The Savasana

Looking for a way to connect with your mind and care for yourself both on an outer and an inner level? Practising yoga could be the perfect addition to your self-care routine, alongside those bubble baths and face masks. 

Regularly taking the time to practice yoga can bring a variety of benefits and provides relief from a long and hectic day. Not only does it boost your mood, its been shown to lower levels of stress, not to mention all the physical benefits like better flexibility and balance too – it really is a win-win (or yin!) . There’s a multitude of studies that have been carried out to investigate just how yoga can bring positive mental changes, and the results have been promising! 

Here are a few of our favourite reasons why yoga is one of the best self-care methods you can try out:

1. Yoga promotes concentration on your breath and keeps you connected to your body and mind, which is what makes it such a great way to relieve your worries and let go of any tension or stress you might have been holding onto.

2. If you’ve recently been suffering from anxiety or depression, yoga’s ability to lower both blood pressure and heart rate, as well as improving respiration through your body, it may be a means to resolve or at least begin to deal with these problems without having to turn to expensive forms of treatment right away. This is thanks to the boost of serotonin levels in your blood from yoga practice.

3. In addition, you’ve no doubt heard of yoga’s ability to ‘bring you to the present’ and help you to live ‘in the moment’. This element of yoga is what helps you to escape the distraction of random thoughts which can help to improve problem-solving skills and memory in the long term.

Still not convinced? Try it out and discover the benefits of yoga for yourself! We’ve been hitting the mats at Tri Yoga London, plus there’s the added bonus of being able to pick up a bottle of your favourite alchemy oils in the studio shop! 

There’s a vast world of yoga out there, where you can find which type suits you best, whether it’s Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, or if you’re already interested in the Ayurvedic roots of our hair oil, why not find out more and have a go at Ayurvedic yoga! 

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